I heard a fascinating sentiment about unmasking today from an autistic content creator’s mom, who is also autistic and has ADHD. His name is Toren Wolf and her name is Serenity Christine. She said “what if the mask has been there for so long that when I try to pry up the edges it’s fused with whatever was underneath? what if I am the mask?” … I’m going to let that one sit there for a moment.
A lot of neurodivergent women feel this way as masking has been an inherent part of our lives since the beginning. It was and is a survival mechanism, socially, professionally, among others. This is a phenomena that occurs in many different types of neurodivergence such as ADHD, autism, and so called personality disorders, to name a few.
My experience with masking is a fuzzy one to ascertain the start of but I believe it began in elementary school where there was more explicit policing of behavior than pre-k or day care; maybe I was just lucky. But I recall school being incredibly stressful in every way imaginable. I remember constantly being dysregulated, impatiently waiting to be picked up every single day so I could go home and be myself. I recall getting in trouble constantly for talking, moving, and even, among my peers, for the way I socialized. In every report card, the teacher would point out that I was a good student but that I talked way too much. And talk I did; there are home videos from when I was around or less than 2 years old of me on my feet, running, dancing, and jumping around from toy to toy, talking, singing, and making noises almost constantly. I reacted strongly to being forced to do things, I got overwhelmed easily, but most importantly, I was, for the most part, unmasked. But the me pre-public school and the me in public school almost felt like two different people. Over time I became unsure of myself, I retreated into myself and began forcing myself to be different. I recognized that being me, that simply existing in ways that were all I have ever known, got me in trouble, ostracized, made fun of, and excluded. And I tried. I acted like the girls I saw around me that seemed to be normal. I even remember one day in high school asking a “friend” of mine what I could do to be different, more normal, more like her. I don’t remember her answer because the very act of asking that question filled me with so much anxiety that I can only remember my beating heart and racing mind, attempting to analyze how she was perceiving me and whether or not I said the right thing, as she answered something. Because of this I have had an unstable sense of identity since I was a child, one that I still struggle with as a 28 year old woman.
The experiencing of masking is one every neurodivergent girl is all too familiar with, unless she was lucky enough to be in an environment and among adults that didn’t dare make her question herself or perceive herself as weird, different, quirky, or wrong. This might be because of a neurotypical but kind family, or one that is neurodivergent and accepting or ignorant of it. Sometimes these girls are home-schooled, or attend schools that value traits such as freedom, kindness, expression, and acceptance. I’m not sure what the percentage of this is compared to those in oppressive environments, but the ones in the latter, learn to mask from a young age, and for the sake of their survival.
Some people do exist in families where many are neurodivergent and either unaware of or simply accepting of it, and thus neurodivergent children aren’t perceived and/or treated as different (my parents are undiagnosed neurodivergent as well, and they often times simply didn’t perceive me as different or weird, as I was behaving like them; perhaps sometimes I behaved in ways that got them in trouble growing up, prompting them to not want to do the same to me). I consider myself lucky that my home is a safe space to unmask, at least most of the time.
But the world is a different story. I feel blessed that I have made friends and connections with whom I feel comfortable unmasking; I would venture as far as to say that they expect me to be unmasked, because they know when I’m not being myself, and prefer I do. Not many people have this and I know how blessed I am. But outside of those friends and family members, the world is more harsh, and unmasking is more complicated.
I exist with the goal of always being myself, and I think I succeed most of the time. But sometimes I don’t even realize I’m masking. Sometimes I like the person I am when I mask. Sometimes it’s unsafe to risk unmasking because if the wrong people perceive me in the wrong way, it could be detrimental— to my job, for example. This has happened before and it made my experience at that job horrid. I find that this is the case with work environments more often than not. Even glimmers of unmasking that feel good, and like they went well, leave me feeling anxious about how I was perceived and if I ruined everything. How much of masking is conscious? How much of unmasking is within our control, when many are traumatized by when their mask has slipped? How many have never had the chance to unmask, or had to mask at all? And how much ought we mask?
So, masking and unmasking are complicated. What is clear is that, long-term, it is unhealthy to prevent yourself from engaging in behaviors that regulate your nervous system, and it’s unhealthy to never allow yourself to be yourself. Some believe you ought to mask to have a good life and that’s OK, others believe the best life is fully unmasked. Whatever your beliefs are, it is clear that there is finally open discussion happening about masking. The little neurodivergent, ostracized girl calcified inside of me feels like she has been freed from her cage.